Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wondrous Wednesday


I really believe that every day holds some significance. 
Sometimes there are so many significant occurances that happen on the daily that its almost as if they didnt happen at all. 

Today is just about half over. What have I learned so far? 

For one, its very important to try and imagine yourself in anothers shoes. 
An example of this would be how it has been bothering me that my dude has an ongoing friendship with this chick who used to be in love with him. He said that nothing intimate happened between them and I chose to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe it. Yet this frequent texting and snapchatting between them still bugs me. Whatever whatever. I imagined what its like to be in his shoes. One of my best dude friends since high school used to be in love with me but I never saw him as anything other than my best friend. So I can imagine having that kind of friendship and it not being something scandelous or sketch. 

Speaking of said dude best friend...I havent spoken with him in months. He's the kind of friend that I can go a long time without speaking to but once we do start talking again its like barely any times passed at all. But this time I'm not so sure. 

Music & Inspiration

My old friend Dusty has inspired me to put my daily jams into playlists. As I've mentioned he has recently been crankin out all kinds of playlists. I remember back when we used to live close to each other he would constantly be making the most melodic CD's for his car. We'd carpool to school and he'd blast all kinds of lovely tunes. Sometimes he'd invite me to drive through the carwash and during the washing cycle he'd play his latest and finest finds. Good times. Now that we live far from each other its especially cool how he's been posting playlists. And now I'm going to start doing that too...!

This song doesnt accurately represent the kind of music I usually listen to but whatever. 
Adore You by Miley Cyrus has become one of my favorite wispey slow songs to sing along to. 
Speaking of Miley I just realized how almost a year ago I posted a picture on my instagram of her new hairdo in admiration. I remember wishing I had the balls to do get the same cut. I wouldve never thought I'd grow a pair before the end of the year.

In other news, I need some coffee.

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