Oh the struggle!!!
First days of school are always mega hectic and ultra exciting! I remember being in class, checkin out my new mates, thinking semi-condescending thoughts towards those who tried adding classes without being on the waitlist. How hopeless man, obviously theyre not going to get it, I would think. Low and behold I am now one of those losers. Its so tragic. Today I crashed over 6 classes and all of them went as I suspected...unsuccessful. Its so awkward stepping into a quiet ass room thats overflowing with hopeful students. "Its impossible" to add this class was said multiple times by various professors. MEH. I even googled how to successfully crash a class. Talk to the teacher, email them your situation, come back, etc. Gotta find their emails and get on that. As for speaking with them I should try harder but usually theres another person asking them the same shit, "yeah i'm not on the waitlist can I get the class still?" and the reply is always something like, we have to see how many students drop bla bla bla.
My plan of action:
- Continue crashin and hopin for the best
- Dress in something memorable/distinguishable
- Email them my story
- Talk to them
- Pray that God will provide
- Stay positive
Here's hopin...!
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